Our Introduction
CodeRanks is a free education & learning platform, for the global community of students and working professionals, where they can practice multiple choice questions & answers (MCQs), tutorials, programs & algorithms in engineering, programming, science, and school subjects that helps student, Professionals, and many other people.
So, Hii all the technical aspirants, The purpose of creating this website is to share the knowledge of some technical aspects and to make one more skillful. So here I will share the contents related to all the syllabus which comes in the university and cdollege exams. Not only the topics here covered will help you in the college exams but also in the interview preparation as well as for different exams related to computer science and will help you throughout your journey.
Who We Are
Our dedicated team are passionate about helping global community of students and working professionals, and free education & learning platform. Since our founding in 2023, CodeRanks has enabled around the world.
Our Mission
” There is always a solution to every problem and you have to find it “, with these lines
Our mission is to create a community in which every member can help each other to provide solutions to various problems in the study field to create better educational professionals.
Students get stuck in various problems in study and they have many questions in their mind and if the answers to that are not given timely, the question become always a question so we decicde to provide answers to these problems so everyone can get answers of every problem and can move with a more curiosity in his life.
Our Vision
- To create the world’s largest online and offline educational platform where anyone can study at an affordable rate.
- To create an educational environment where students can focus on research-based study.
Thanks for choosing and supporting us!